Who Created Money with Other People’s Money, Time and Energy
• Think, Act & Be RICH
Secure your path to Financial Freedom: Learn how the Rich Think, How the Rich Act and be Rich as well
• Buy, Build & Sell Businesses with HUGE MARGINS
Because The REAL MONEY was made selling the business, not actually running the business.
• Invest in Properties with MASSIVE GAINS
Multiply your wealth through property investment … throughout the planet, not just Indonesia
Brad Sugars
Entrepreneur’s MasterCLASS Asia 2015
Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 09.00 – 12.00
Indo ActionCOACH Business Center
The Office Sahid Sudirman 1st Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 86, Jakarta
“Master Yourself, Master Your Destiny”
by: Mr. Herman Susanto
Master Licensee of ActionCOACH Indonesia
Chairman of Indo ActionCOACH

Our Master Licensee of ActionCOACH, Mr. Herman Susanto, presented last Introduction Session to MasterCLASS. This is how excited they are to the upcoming event.
“Before joining MasterCLASS, only 2 out of 10 properties I invested gave high return. After joining, 8 out of 10 properties I invested giving high return.” – Herman Susanto (Business Owner & Investor)
“If you are really going to be an Entrepreneur by a certain deadline then you need a comprehensive knowledge, tools and network around there, and I definitely want to encourage and recommend anyone highly to take this course – Denny Suryo (Corporate Secretary PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk)
“Attend this MasterCLASS. Dengan ini, ilmunya Anda bisa garap banyak sekali opportunity. Karena kalau tidak, Anda wasting time going around in circle. Hemat uang kecil untuk rugi uang besar bukan hitungan seorang ENTREPRENEUR.” – James Gwee (Indonesia Favorite Trainer)
“I can’t put it into words but the freedom that comes with the financial success and the ability to do what you want to do, the way you want to do it, with whom you want to do it with, for as long as you want to do it, that’s SUCCESS and that takes Financial Success” – Brad Sugars
Call Our Office (+62 21) 571 0123 or RSVP Online
Who is Brad Sugars?
As a founder of an award-winning firm, ActionCOACH International, Brad Sugars has a passion for helping others achieve business success. Being financial freedom since 26 years old (Year 1997), his reputation for turning around struggling companies and selling them for massive profits earned him the nickname “The Turnaround Kid” when he was in his early twenties in Australia. His successful ownership role in over 50 companies has made him an authority on business building.
3 Reasons why Brad Sugars is an authority on building wealth…
- He’s a millionaire maker, hundreds of his students around the world credit Brad and his teachings with their ability to make millions. Now you can too!
- He makes it all so simple as he takes you step-by-step through the ladder of wealth. You’ll see how it’s done and then, how you can make it happen for you.
- He’s one of the only guy’s who’s actually done it that’s still teaching. With a global business, a lifestyle most of us only dream of and yet he’s still willing to take time out to educate others. Join us! It will be the best financial decision you’ve ever made.
Brad Sugars started the ActionCOACH™ brand when he was in his early twenties. Today the company is internationally recognized as the leading global business coaching company. A world-reknowned speaker, he is also an author, best known for his “Instant Success Series” and most recently, “Buying Customers.”
Entrepreneur’s MasterCLASS
5 – 7 August 2015
Grand Nikko Nusa Dua Resort, Bali
About Entrepreneur’s MasterCLASS
You have built a good business that is giving you some returns, but you want more – more time to spend with your loved ones, more financial freedom to live out your dreams, more personal fulfilment in building your legacy.
Imagine having the access to proven strategies to build your wealth empire. Imagine learning with a network of successful business owners in a 3-day interactive environment.
An eye-opening program designed by the industry’s authority on wealth creation, Brad Sugars, Entrepreneur’s MasterClass will give you the tools & strategies you need to enhance your business results and accelerate financial freedom based on Brad’s own successful track record.
What is MasterCLASS according to Brad Sugars?
Securing Your Path to Financial Freedom
Brad will share with you his own formula for success to turn his dreams into reality. You will learn how he differs from other investors in the way he looks for opportunities. It is no wonder that Brad has achieved so much wealth at such a young age, and continues to make his money work for him. Get ready to take lots of notes on his way of thinking.
Getting More out of Your Business
Your business should be your cashflow engine. Working on your business to get more profits and cash is the first priority. Brad will share with you his proven secrets to building businesses and on global expansion. How does he attract investors to expand his business in 52 countries (and growing), win top industry awards, and lead the industry on quality & results? What are his rules of buying new businesses & how does he set them up for success and fast returns?
Master the Game of Global Property Investment
Multiply your wealth through property investment … throughout the planet, not just in Indonesia. Brad will share with you his rules for investing in property and teach you how to make yours. He will teach you how to select the right types of loans for your investment and how to get out of debt faster and safer. You will be guided through the 7 Levels of Property Investing and master each level.
How is Last MasterCLASS 2013?
Day 1 – Your Journey towards Financial Freedom
The Island of the Gods is a perfect setting to think about your dreams. Brad will share his real strategies on turning his dreams to reality and share with you:
The mindset to secure your path to financial freedom.
His proven strategies to become a multi-millionaire.
How to transform your innovative ideas into a successful business empire.
The 5 Levels of Entrepreneurship and how each stage secures your path to wealth.
Brad Sugars’ 10-year plan to wealth, so you never have to work again.
Brad Sugars’ Cashflow Ladder to earn a passive income.
Day 2 – Getting More out of Your Business
Learn mind blowing franchise secrets that have made Brad Sugars’ business coaching company, ActionCOACH, the #1 Business and Executive Coaching Firm, Top 50 Business Service Franchise by Franchise Business Review and the winner of multiple awards around the globe! Brad will share with you :
How he multiplies results in the businesses he has bought.
How he transformed his Australian-based ActionCOACH business into a franchise with over 750 offices in 52 countries and growing.
The vital components to consider when buying a franchise or franchising your business.
Why franchising is such a profitable option to raise money quickly.
The 7 main areas of franchising to set your model apart from others.
Day 3 – Wealth through Global Property Investing
Over the years Brad Sugars has taken ordinary people and turned them into powerful, profitable and successful property investors. On your final day in Entrepreneur’s MasterCLASS you will master the cut-throat property market by learning all the tricks of the trade. Brad will show you how to:
Hunt down the best property deals on the planet.
Creating your rules for property investing based on your strengths & interest.
Getting the right price for the property you want to buy.
Get yourself out of debt in just 5 years, even paying off your entire mortgage.
Use 7 Fundamental Rules of Wealth and share real tips to implement it.